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We hope you find our resources helpful, we’ve given tips on our experiences and from other families to ease the process. Contact us if you need guidance or have a valuable resource to add to our listings.

Massachusetts State Agencies

Department of Developmental Services (DDS) 
DDS is dedicated to supporting individuals with disabilities. Click for an introduction of services available through DDS. It’s important to be connected to DDS to receive family support funding through a Family Support Center. This site breaks down family support centers by region. DDS webpage

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) MRC is responsible for vocational rehabilitation services, community living services, and eligibility determination for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 1-800-245-6543 MRC webpage

Department of Public Health/Care Coordination The Division for Children & Youth with Special Health Needs works with families, providers, and others to support children and youth with special health needs ages birth to 22 and their families. They can help provide continuity of care for your family member, they can be an asset in getting resources, additional money you are struggling with, can sit down with you to help fill out important medical documents, help plan for health care transition and so much more. Worth looking at their website. Generally service the medically fragile. The Care Coordinators are bilingual in English and Spanish 1-800-882-1435 DPH Webpage

Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN)
Provides information, support, and assistance to parents of children with disabilities, their professional partners, and their communities. We are committed to listening to and learning from families, and encouraging full participation in community life by all people, especially those with disabilities. FCSN webpage 1-800-331-0688

What we’ve learned: This organization works closely with state agencies and local organizations with one goal in mind. Helping families get empowered. FCSN is very active in our state and a must to save as a favorite, check back often as they offer educational workshops, a yearly conference in Boston and free consultation around the law of educational advocacy.

Family TIES of Massachusetts/Early Intervention in Massachusetts (EI) One of many programs under the FCSN, all coordinators are parents with special needs. Family TIES offers free workshops on how to stay organized with the mounds of papers revolving the educational world. They offer resources and referrals locally, throughout the state and nationally. Family TIES is the central directly for Early Intervention and resources.

EI is a statewide, developmental service provided to families of children ages birth through 3. Children may be eligible if they have developmental difficulties due to disability or if typical development is at risk. Family TIES webpage 1-800-905-TIES (8437)

Family TIES directory of Resources: click here

What we’ve learned: These coordinators are connected throughout the state and can guide families directly to resources and can make direct referrals which can alleviate a lot of stress for families. Family TIES also can match parents to other parents facing similar challenges. The facet of information that Family TIES has to offer is second to none. They are funded by the Department of Public Health and work hand in hand in collaboration. Well known for their free resource guide with resources throughout the state, national and locally. Their website always has the most current version of their directory, but as a parent you can call to get a hard copy mailed to you.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) Programs funded by the Social Security Administration that provide benefits to eligible individuals with disabilities. SSI Webpage

Handicap Placards

Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Applications for Disabled Parking are available at all branch locations, at the Medical Affairs office, Haymarket branch; and online. Complete the application and have it certified by a medical professional. RMV webpage

State Medicaid

MassHealth/Premium Assistance and Keileigh Mulligan Waiver
In Massachusetts, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are combined into one program called MassHealth. You can buy into MassHealth called CommonHealth, MH becomes the last payor after your premium insurance covers fees. (MassHealth) 1-888-665-9993 MH webpage

(Premium Assistance) 1-800- 862-4840 webpage

(Kaileigh Mulligan Waiver) severely disabled/waiver benefit

The Kaileigh Mulligan Program provides MassHealth services and benefits to certain children with severe special needs who are over the income standards for MassHealth eligibility and require the same level of ongoing nursing and medical needs as a child living in a pediatric nursing home or hospital. There are currently 198 children enrolled in this program. To enroll, call the Mass Health Enrollment Center and ask for Kaileigh Mulligan; or talk to your child’s hospital social worker or case manager. 1-800-841-2900

What we’ve learned: MassHealth pays very well for the disabled in Massachusetts for durable medical equipment, doctor appointments, prescriptions, co-pays and additional medical services needed. IMPORTANT after approval! Call Premium Assistance to get your disabled loved one’s premium portion of insurance covered on a monthly basis, this does NOT happen automatically when enrolling with MassHealth. MH will mail you a monthly check for that portion. Everyone qualifies no matter how much you earn yearly (the refund will vary).