As we all cope with adjusting to life in the time of COVID-19- Here’s a sneak peek at what RSAM has done in an effort to help families…
- Supplied 80 masks to 17 families to help keep them safe! A big shout out to April for volunteering to be our seamstress. April graciously offered to help our families in need as her life has been touched by a Rett Angel in Western MA
- Provided 18 on-line AAC sessions with Kate Ahern to 9 families
- Established and has virtual “Family Check-In’s on a monthly basis
- Distributed information for COVID family grants, online education sessions and relevant resources.
- RSAM is grateful to the Crimson Aquatic Swim Program coaches who remotely visited with many of the RSAM families who participate in the swim program. This year’s swim season ended abruptly and the coaches wanted to make sure the swimmers got a chance to end the year officially and to have some fun. They created a beautiful video to share and spent time enjoying music with each swimmer. THANKS CRIMSON COACHES!
RSAM is busy at work…
Check back as we have some exciting virtual events coming up!